Strengthening Hawaii's Communities

Strengthening Hawaii's Communities
Knowledge & Research

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Helping people understand the impact of philanthropy and nonprofits increases their levels of giving and involvement.


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HCF serves as a valuable resource by sponsoring research on issues that affect the nonprofit sector and the community.

HCF sponsors and partners with others to conduct local, statewide, and national studies on a regular basis; it serves as a valuable resource on philanthropy, civic leadership, and issues that affect the nonprofit sector and the community. Studies over the last five years include:

2015 Giving Study
[CH1] HCF commissioned its fourth survey of charitable and philanthropic giving and volunteering across the state.

2012 Nonprofit Industry Study
HCF began conducting a study of nonprofits beginning in 2001.

Caring for Our Kupuna: Building an Aging in Place Movement in Hawaii
HCF contracted the Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF) to provide one-on-one financial assistance to elder-serving organizations.

2013 Kids Count: Hawaii Ranks 25th in Children’s Well-Being
The Kids Count Data Book presents data on 16 indicators in four areas essential to child well-being.

Hawaii Community Stabilization Initiative Final Report (2009-2012)
This report details how the funders collaborative laid the groundwork for new, more effective models of human service delivery.

A National Study of Challenges Facing Nonprofit Fundraising
This study reveals the vicious cycle that threatens nonprofits’ ability to raise the resources they need to succeed.

An Analysis of the Fiscal Resources Supporting Children, Ages 0-5 and Their Families, in Fiscal 2011, in Hawaii
This report underscores the need for a statewide early learning and development system.

Analysis of the Fiscal Resources Supporting At-Risk Youth, Ages 13–24, in Hawaii
This study identifies the amount and effectiveness of public and private funding available to support at-risk youth, ages 13 to 24.

2011 Survey of Organizations Serving Older Youth and Young Adults
HCF commissioned a research project that surveyed organizations serving older youth and young adults.

2011 Daring to Lead: A National Study of Nonprofit Executive Leadership
This report identified which executive and governance practices were most associated with sustainable organizations.



The Knowledge Center

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The Knowledge Center is a resource for information about nonprofit organizations, their leadership and best practices, gathered by the Hawaii Community Foundation over its 100-year history.