100 years

Grants & Scholarships
Kūpuna Aging in Place

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Hawai`i Community Foundation has provided grants for elderly services for over 30 years through the Persons in Need (PIN) for Elderly Services Program, now known as the Kūpuna Aging in Place (KAP) Program for Elderly Services.

KAP is a multi-year grant program supporting organizations that provide a range of supportive services including community-based support services, adult day care & adult day health, and caregiver support services for low- to moderate-income kūpuna (seniors) age 65 and older and their caregivers so that kūpuna in Hawaiʻi can age in place.

The deadline for applications has passed and we are no longer accepting applications.

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Interested in learning more about the Kūpuna Aging in Place Program?
Contact Elise von Dohlen at evondohlen@hcf-hawaii.org.