100 years

Hawai‘i Community Foundation
our TEAM

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Working at Hawai‘i Community Foundation is not just a job—it’s meaningful life’s work. It’s about making Hawai‘i a better and more equitable place.

HCF is a highly motivated team of talented people who are knowledgeable about the community, eager to identify its most critical issues, and passionate about finding solutions. We are diverse in our professional specialties, from legal to finance to analysis. Some of our team members have been with HCF for 30 years, while others became a team member only recently. Whether we grew up in Kalihi, Baltimore City, Kailua-Kona, Hilo, Lahaina or Boston, we are committed to Hawai‘i’s success. We proudly walk the talk both as HCF professionals and caring members of our community.

Interested in joining our team? Current job openings are listed here.


Executive Leadership Team

Micah Kāne
Chief Executive Officer
& President
Kawena Beaupre
Senior Vice President
& General Counsel
Wally Chin
Senior Vice President &
Chief Administrative Officer
Michelle Ka'uhane
Michelle Ka‘uhane
Senior Vice President &
Chief Impact Officer
Lauren Nahme
Lauren Nahme
Senior Vice President & Chief Transformation Officer
Larissa Kick
Vice President of Community Grants & Initiatives
Mary Leong Saunders
Mary Leong Saunders
Vice President of Philanthropy
Lynn Shimono
Vice President of Finance
Shanae Souza
Shanae Souza
Vice President of Risk and Compliance for Maui Recovery Effort