100 years

Hawai‘i Community Foundation
Policy and Procedures for Communication with Persons with Limited English Proficiency

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Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. National Origin Discrimination includes discrimination on the basis of Limited English Proficiency (LEP). LEP persons are defined as individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English.

It is the policy of Hawai‘i Community Foundation (HCF) to take reasonable steps to ensure that persons with LEP have meaningful access and an equal opportunity to participate in our programs, services, and activities and to provide for the communication of information contained in vital documents. All necessary qualified language assistance needed to comply with this policy shall be provided to LEP persons free of charge. Language assistance will be provided through use of competent bilingual staff, contracts or formal arrangements with local organizations providing interpretation or translation services, or technology and telephonic interpretation services. All staff will be notified of this policy and procedure, and staff that may have direct contact with LEP individuals will be trained in effective communication techniques.

HCF will conduct a regular review of the language access needs of those who access our services and programs, as well as update and monitor the implementation of this policy and these procedures, as necessary.



HCF will promptly identify the language and communication needs of the LEP person. If necessary, staff will use a language identification card (or “I speak cards,” available online at www.lep.gov) or posters to determine the language. In addition, when records are kept of past interactions with persons or family members, the language used to communicate with the LEP person will be included as part of the record.


All staff are responsible for obtaining a qualified interpreter when needed to ensure effective communication. HCF will use the language assistance services offered by:

Helping Hands Hawai‘i
Bilingual Access Line
2100 N. Nimitz Highway
Honolulu, HI 96819
(808) 526-9724

Legal Aid Society of Hawai‘i
924 Bethel Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
O‘ahu (808) 536-4302
Neighbor Islands 1-800-499-4302

Pacific Gateway Center
723-C Umi Street
Honolulu, HI 96819
(808) 851-7010

We Are Oceania
720 North King Street
Honolulu, HI 96817
(808) 913-1364

Family members or friends of the LEP person may not be used as interpreters unless specifically requested by the LEP person and with the understanding that HCF has offered an interpreter at no charge. Such an offer, and the response, will be documented in the person’s file. If the LEP person chooses to use a family member or friend as an interpreter, issues of competency of interpretation, confidentiality, privacy, and conflict of interest will be considered. If the family member or friend is not competent or appropriate for any of these reasons, competent interpreter services will be provided to the LEP person.

Children and other clients/patients/residents will not be used to interpret, in order to ensure the confidentiality of information and accurate communication.


Each HCF department will coordinate the translation of vital documents into the appropriately frequently encountered languages as needed. The translation of other written materials, if needed, as well as written notice of the availability of translation services, shall be provided free of charge to LEP individuals.


Any person who believes he or she has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of his or her primary or preferred language may file a complaint under HCF’s Discrimination Complaint and Compliance Review/Grievance Procedure and contact:

Lauren Santos, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator
Hawai‘i Community Foundation
827 Fort Street Mall, Honolulu, HI 96813
Direct Line: (808)566-5530
Email: LSantos@hcf-hawaii.org