100 years

Hawai'i Community Foundation
The Rachael Wong Melian Fund

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Brad Chun and Rachael Wong

The Rachael Wong Melian Fund for Women and Families was launched in celebration of Rachael Wong’s fiftieth birthday and in recognition of her dedication to improving the quality of life for others in our local communities – especially supporting women and families. This fund is a vehicle to amplify Rachael’s collaborations with individuals and organizations within Hawai‘i to better the lives of women and families across the state.

Melian refers to a goddess-like Maiar queen in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth, who was known for wisdom and used her magical powers to protect and guard her Elven kingdom for thousands of years. Songs have been sung about the Girdle of Melian, the spell of protection she wove against those with ill intent and not of light.

Minimum online gift is $25.

For questions or additional information, please contact Donor Services at (808) 566-5560 or donorservices@hcf-hawaii.org.

Donation Information
$ 25.00
$ 50.00
$ 100.00
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A 2.6% fee will be charged by the credit card processor and will be deducted from the amount of your donation.
These fees are charged by the credit card processing company and not by HCF. 

If you prefer to make a gift of any amount by check, please make it to “Hawai‘i Community Foundation” and write “The Rachael Wong Melian Fund” in the memo and mail it to:
Hawai‘i Community Foundation
827 Fort Street Mall
Honolulu, HI 96813