Honolulu Community Action Program Head Start – A Trauma-Responsive Journey
A Hawaiʻi early childhood program makes strides in becoming a safe place of empathy and healing for keiki.

The Honolulu Community Action Program, Inc. (HCAP) Head Start & Early Head Start has long been dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment for Hawai‘i’s keiki. In 2022, the program took a transformative step in enhancing its trauma-informed care efforts by partnering with the Hawai‘i Community Foundation’s (HCF) Promising Minds initiative and adopting the Resilient Early Childhood Systems Self-Assessment (RECSSA) tool. This collaboration marked a significant milestone in the program’s journey toward becoming trauma-responsive, fostering an environment of empathy, resilience, and healing for both children and staff. According to Adoniss Spencer, Head Start Assistant Director, the opportunity to strengthen the program’s trauma-informed practices through the RECSSA tool was a natural extension of their ongoing partnership with HCF, which first began in 2019. Three HCAP staff were part of one of the first Communities of Practice of early childhood providers deepening their knowledge and skills on buffering against early adversity, and gaining confidence and practical tools in trauma-informed methods.
“HCF has graciously awarded HCAP Head Start & Early Head Start funding to support the initiation and continuation of several projects geared towards increasing our capacity and perpetuation of trauma-informed care for our staff, children, and families,” said Adoniss. “Through the purchasing and implementation of the Love & Logic parenting curriculum, hosting of training events and workshops for both staff and parents focusing on various trauma-informed topics and strategies, increased support from our Mental Consultant through reflective supervision and individualized consultation, and a multitude of professional development and community engagement opportunities, it was only fitting to advance our awareness as an agency through a continued partnership.”
The RECSSA tool, developed by HCF’s Promising Minds initiative by evaluation and learning partner Engage R+D emerged from an ask from providers in early communities of practice that were wanting a tool to understand how the program, staff and organization was developing in its trauma-informed approach. RECSSA was designed to assess and strengthen trauma-informed systems of services and support across early childhood programs. Focused on four key domains—Leadership, Quality Improvement, Infrastructure, and Partnerships and Alignment—the tool provides a structured framework for programs like HCAP Head Start to evaluate their progress and identify areas for growth.
Implementing the tool has been pivotal for HCAP Head Start’s transformation. It allowed the team to pinpoint specific areas for improvement and make practical, meaningful changes that support not only children and families but also staff members. The tool’s ability to offer clear indicators of progress helped prioritize areas like Quality Improvement, which saw the most significant advancement. Through feedback from staff and parents, the program was able to align its resources and internal policies more closely with trauma-responsive practices.
Since adopting these trauma-informed strategies, the program has witnessed profound changes. Not only have there been noticeable improvements in children’s emotional well-being and behavior, but the staff has also experienced positive shifts. Policies have been updated with trauma-informed language, and initiatives like mental health journals for staff and monthly wellness activities, have fostered a stronger sense of community and care within the program. Additionally, they have piloted the Pyramid Model framework in six classrooms. This tiered approach supports social-emotional development for both children and staff, creating environments where empathy and resilience can flourish.
The impact of these changes is evident in the day-to-day operations of HCAP’s Head Start program. Increased parent engagement, the hiring of parents as staff members, and the overall culture of care and gratitude reflect the positive outcomes of implementing RECSSA.
“The very prevalent positive impacts that are continuous results of our ongoing trauma-informed journey are malama (take care of) and pono (righteousness, balance, goodness). Our staff take care of one another and the children and families we serve in a more mindful and informed way,” added Adoniss.
While HCAP Head Start’s trauma-responsive journey is ongoing, the positive ripple effect can already be felt across classrooms, families, and even agency-wide. HCAP’s Head Start & Early Head Start program is spreading awareness and advocating for trauma-informed policies throughout the organization. Staff are sharing their experiences and educating other program departments on the benefits of trauma-informed approaches for both their own staff and the families served. By focusing on continuous learning and improvement, the program is not only addressing the current needs of Hawai‘i’s keiki and their families, but also shaping a more resilient future for the community.
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