100 years

Hawai'i Community Foundation
2025 – 2027 ALICE Initiative Cohort

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Aloha United Way (AUW) and the Hawai‘i Community Foundation (HCF) have partnered to administer the 2025-2027 ALICE Initiative Cohort.

The ALICE Initiative empowers nonprofit partners to initiate substantial change by utilizing a collective impact model to drive innovation, advocacy, and strategic interventions to elevate ALICE households into upward economic mobility. The Fund offers support over three years to nonprofit organizations based on O‘ahu that are engaged in the ALICE impact areas of financial stability, housing, workforce opportunity, and advocacy.

For questions on the 2025-2027 ALICE Initiative Cohort funding opportunity, please contact Marissa Sandblom at msandblom@hcf-hawaii.org.

Visit the Aloha United Way website to learn more about ALICE.